Date of sighting: April 2019
Location of sighting: Budapest, Hungary
Hungarian amateur and photographer astronomer Ivan Eder of Budapest was observing the moon when he suddenly noticed that a huge edge of a giant planet seemed to be revealing itself. The white edge appearing in the photos seemed to be that of giant plant revealing itself for a few seconds. Ivan couldn't find any rational explanation for the sudden appearance this giant crescent shape.
There are two explanations for such an occurrence. First the planet itself may be in another time line and is revealing itself due to a disturbance in the time a black hole near it or possibly the inhabitants are experimenting with time travel. In other words, this could be earth from another time line we are looking at. I believe this theory to be true.
The second possibility is that this is the ancient planet Nibiru whose orbit passes Earth once every 15,000 about. I hope its not Nibiru. The planet is said to have an incredibly ancient species on it that is using Earth as a experiment for studying stages of their own past. Every few orbits, drastic changes on earth are made. Species go extinct, and new species appear. That is why there are many gaps in the record of human evolution. As every scientist knows, scientific subjects like rats, dogs, cats used for testing, once finished, must be exterminated (killed), so that the lab experiment doesn't pollute other future experiments.
Scott C. Waring-UFO researcher
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