January 2020

Date of discovery: Jan 31, 2020
Location of discovery: Mars, Sol 1448
Source photo: http://gigapan.com/gigapans/219304

I found loads of ancient artifacts from an intelligent civilization in a Mars photo today, but one thing really caught my attention...this white rose. The white rose is in the lower left side of the photo. This white rose is actually a rose bud...thats a semi closed rose. It has a long stem and a single leaf on its right side. It even appears to have a baby one growing not far from it. I did have to take the photo which nasa put into false color (red/brown) and made it normal again. But this is amazing to me. Proof that a type of life, probably plant based still exists on Mars today, a white rose of hope.

Scott C. Waring 

Date of discovery: Jan 31, 2020
Location of discovery: Earths moon
Source photo: http://lroc.sese.asu.edu/posts/245

Hey everyone, I posted this on my ET DATA Base channel but forgot to put it up on this site so here it goes. I found some structures in this NASA photo from our moon. The photo is very big, 90MB in size so it does give some great detail. The city has what looks like ancient roads or collapsed tunnels leading from it to other buildings further away from it. There was also a monolith similar to the one I found on a moon of Mars. Astronaut Buzz Aldrin give me the heads up on that one so wasn't to hard to find. But this does look the same. I said in the video that the city appears to be .5km across, but on when looking at the photo measurements, I may actually be 2.0km across. That would make that monolith .5 km high. Absolutely proof that intelligent aliens did once living on the surface of our moon. 
Scott C. Waring 

Source: https://gisanddata.maps.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html#/bda7594740fd40299423467b48e9ecf6

Did you know that Coronavirus rose 2,000 cases a day for the last 2 days? SARS had a total of 8,000 diagnosed, but Cornonavirus is at 4,474 already, thats past the 50% mark of SARS. This thing is growing fast and is very sneaky since symptoms can take 14 days to show up. Here is a useful interactive site that has stats, graphs, daily increases, maps and more. I hope this helps. 
Scott C. Waring 

Date of discovery: Jan 28, 2020
Location of discovery: Mars

NASA source: http://areo.info/mer/spirit/1355/ http://areo.info/mer/spirit/1357/ http://areo.info/mer/spirit/1356/tn/2P246747119ESFAVQWP2537L5M1_L2L5L5L7L7.jpg.html

I found a few interesting objects in some Mars Spirit rover photos today. One looks like a sea shell, and not far from it are two interesting faces. But the best is a larger face that fell off of a statue and fallen in this location. Thats the face in the screenshot above. The face is obviously made of the local materials and you can make out the eye, nose, upper and lower mouth, chin, cheeks but something that really is rare...is that this face has a thin horn like fin on top of its head. This would signify a species I have never seen or heard of before. I have found thousands of faces, yet never seen one like this. The neck area appears to be a plug that pushed into the main part of the statue at the shoulders. However, I cannot find the rest of the statue in any of the photos. Perhaps it was buried or destroy. This is absolute proof that intelligent beings walked the Martian planet. 
Scott C. Waring

Date of sighting: Sept 2019
Location of sighting: Utah, USA
Source: MUFON #105762

A professional pilot recorded this at 40,000 feet. This is just absolutly amazing. This is great raw footage of an actual UFO. Most UFOs appear white and orb shaped...but this disk is unique. This is an important video because not only does it tell us the size, shape and color of the object, but it tells us how smoothly and easily this craft moves through the sky. 
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan 

Date of sighting: Jan 26, 2020
Location of sighting: Earths orbit a ISS
Source: ISS live NASA cam

This is some cool footage of three UFOs rising up out of the ocean. Each UFO is about 1.5 km long...and one of them is still half under water. UFOs have been reported by pilots that size, so its not unusual at all. The UFO on the far left is the the leader of the fleet. You can see the UFO on the far left is about 75% out of the water, the center UFO is 45% and the UFO on the far right is only about 20% out of the water. Once the UFOs have left the water, they must wait in position for a few minutes until most water has fallen off the ship, because the water can cause hull damage when heating up fast and freezing fast exiting our atmosphere...but when they go light speed...a little water can really send them off track by a long ways. 
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan 

Date of discovery: Jan 2020
Location of discovery: Earths orbit
NASA source: https://eol.jsc.nasa.gov/SearchPhotos/photo.pl?mission=ISS006&roll=E&frame=51192

I found this giant UFO in a NASA photo this week. Its bigger than the state of Texas and is shaped like an ocean ship. It has a very deep hull area  and has lots of long dark rectangular windows in the side. The top has a bridge area for the captain, which is raised up higher than the rest of he ship. Extraordinary that this is in a NASA photo. 100% proof that NASA has been taking photos of Alien ships all along, but probably didn't even know it. 
Scott C. Waring-Taiwan

Date of discovery: Jan 17, 2020
Location of sighting: Earths orbit from space station
Source: https://eol.jsc.nasa.gov/SearchPhotos/ShowQueryResults-Lightcycle.pl?results=Latest_ISS_Imagery

I was looking at the latest photos taken by the space station today and noticed a glowing oval UFO that was moving around in the distance. The UFO would go up and down and then move to the right and left. Its only seen in 7 photos, but when they are put together, you can see the erratic movement of this craft.  This is incredible proof that the space station is being watched, visited and even scanned by alien craft. 
Scott C. Waring 

Date of discovery: Jan 17, 2020
Location of discovery: Earths orbit from space station
Source: NASA ISS Camera

I was looking at some photos taken TODAY by the NASA camera on board the space station and noticed that it was really focusing on some places. For instance...this photo above looks a lot like a Chinese military base to me. Now a lot of people would say, Scott, perhaps they just took the photo by accident. One photo is an accident, but 30-40 photos is deliberate spying. The space station is suppose to be International...and yet they do not allow Chinese astronauts to participate on board the space station. They even gave the majority of control and ownership to Russia...which most people don't even know about. So...why is NASA participating in spying on foreign countries? I really don't think NASA would ever answer that one. This is 100% proof that NASA is a spy agency. 
Scott C. Waring

Date of discovery: Jan 16, 2020
Location of discovery: Earths orbit
NASA Source: https://eol.jsc.nasa.gov/SearchPhotos/photo.pl?mission=STS104&roll=719&frame=55

Now I checked the before and after photo and there was no UFO there. So that means its not something stuck to the lens, window or anything that moves slow. This object is moving really fast to be in only one photo. As you see, the space shuttle is turned with an open payload bay, but this isn't a satellite, because satellites don't move that fast. So...that leaves only one option...its an alien craft. 

This alien craft might not be a UFO but could however be one of the famous Black Knight satellites. Thats a satellite object, black non reflective and cannot be destroyed, but it will attack when provoked. Its said to be placed by Planet X, Nibiru so that they can constantly monitor Earth. Sadly, the Black Knight satellites also have the weaponry to destroy all life on earth instantly. Sterilizing the planet of life. 
Scott C. Waring

Date of discovery: Jan 16, 2020
Location of discovery: Earth orbit
Nasa Source: https://spaceflight.nasa.gov/gallery/images/station/crew-3/html/iss003e8203.html

 I found a glowing UFO near the module that brings supplies to the space station. The UFO seems very close and has a second UFO below it, but further away. I think this UFO may be one of the rare sightings of the light being ships we have all heard about. Of all the species in this universe who visit us...light beings are so advanced that there is little about humanity that catches their interest. This photo was taken back in Nov 28, 2001. This is absolute proof that the space station is being constantly observed by advanced alien species. 
Scott C. Waring 

Date of discovery: Jan 16, 2020
Location of sighting: Earths orbit at ISS
Source Photo: https://spaceflight.nasa.gov/gallery/images/station/crew-9/html/iss009e22157.html

Now I found this glowing green UFO in a photo within the NASA archives, so since it was in the gov archives, we can trust the camera to be unbiased and uncaring of anything but detail. This UFO is very close to a module on the space station and it almost directly over a hurricane. I am wondering if this is part of the continuation of the top secret HAARP program. So maybe this glowing green object is an array that creates weather manipulation? A project which China and Russia have both been using to cause hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes and other natural disasters in order to punish through economics of destruction and rebuilding. Anyway, this UFO is very clear and not transparent. Its a solid glowing object and its very close to part of the space station. 
Scott C. Waring 

Date of sighting: Dec 25, 2019
Location of sighting: Perth, Australia

This object was recorded by an eyewitness in Australia. The object is similar to the so called drone lights seen across the globe and in Nebraska and Colorado. However this is daytime footage of the same type of UFO. Its round and white and almost blends into the environment. I wonder how much longer the American news can call these things drones? When we all know the truth...they are 100% alien craft. 

Why is the UFO there? Probably to monitor the wildfire that is ravaging Australia and its poor animals. The aliens are recording, the fire, the effects, and the actions of the humans helping the animals and fighting the fires. How a person reacts to a stressful and hopeless situation is of high interest to aliens...for its may be the same stress that occurs upon first contact. 
Scott C. Waring

Date of discovery: Jan 15, 2019
Location of discovery: Mars
Google Mars coordinates: 43°16'1.06"N 71°54'15.61"W

Wow, just looking at this now as I'm writing...I notice the woman feet through round protrusions at the bottom of the dress. I found this woman figure on Mars Google Map. The woman is viewed from behind, as many artists do. I made the head and arms green, but missed the tips of the feet at the bottom of the dress. The dress is transparent because we can see her the small indent of her lower back, buttocks and upper legs. This is alien art. Absolute proof that aliens not only exist, but feel love, passion and try to express those feelings through art. In the end, art speaks where words are unable to explain. 
Scott C. Waring 

Date of discovery: Jan 14, 2019
Location of discovery: Mars
Source photo: http://www.gigapan.com/gigapans/181617

I found this amazing side view of a face in a Mars gigapan photo today. The detail is fantastic and the ear, nose, eye and forehead all have great detail to the carving. Placing such an important facial sculpture on the side of a hill makes me think this might be some diety or god of theirs. That this person is suppose to be over looking a long distance from the top of the hill to watch over everyone. However it looks like it has fallen due to time, earthquakes and wind. 

Why search for faces? It shows us who they were, what they looked like, who they admired, if there is male/female of the species...and much more. Its the deepest most complex unanswered question of science. One carving in stone of an alien face solves this greatest question of science. 

As Mangnus Saint Albertus states: “Do there exist many worlds, or is there but a single world? This is one of the most noble and exalted questions in the study of Nature.” 

Scott C. Waring 

Date of sighting: Jan 2020
Location of sighting: Australia wild fires

Now this is something that just blows my mind. A person was taking photos of the horrendous wildfires in Australia and caught a face poking up from the ground. It looks like a devil. But I believe its an alien that is in an underground base about 6km below the surface who is really seen here. His thoughts...and concerns are visible in his face. You see, aliens can use the power of the mind to see whats going on at the surface. His thoughts accidentally caused the smoke to take form of his face while he was in his meditative state. Smoke is the lightest and easiest form of matter for a telepathic to manipulate. The alien didn't mean to create it. Its just that his thoughts are so powerful that the clouds molded around his telepathic projection unintentionally. Absolutely amazing find by Youtuber UFOvni2012. 
Scott C. Waring 

Date of sighting: Jan 2020
Location of sighting: Los Angeles, California, USA
Source: MUFON

Here is the most common type of UFO...the orb. Orb UFOs come in all sizes from a baseball to a 747 size. Orbs also often fly in a fleet as you see in the video below. UFOs have been visiting the Los Angeles area for a long time. I was born in Los Angeles and remember relatives telling me about the Battle of Los Angeles and how the US Army tried and failed to shoot down slow moving silver orbs over the LA area. Its a common thing...aliens like humans, they have an incredible thirst for knowledge about us. They probably even envy us in some ways.
Scott C. Waring 
Eyewitness report: 
Orbs Rose from the west, 3 orbs followed by 5 that rose in a group, caught up to the first 3 then formed a pentagon. They held that shape for minutes. Looking westward at a working crane, I saw what i thought were bright perfectly round balloons floating upward from behind clouds to my west at an angle of about 25 degrees. 

Date of sighting: Jan 12, 2020
Location of sighting: Harrogate, North Yorkshire, England

This is a strange one. England is known for having a lot of UFO sightings and that really makes sense because last time I was in England last year I saw clouds like I have never before seen around the world and I even took a photo of a fleet of UFOs darting into the clouds. Clearly these UFOs move from cloud to cloud watching the humans below. Since England is a small area surrounded by ocean, it also makes sense to assume that there is one or more alien bases off the coast of England. Those clouds...I will never forget those strange clouds. 
Scott C. Waring 

Eyewitness states: 
My eyes were on the sky because this had happened already, this was the second one a couple of minutes later, it looked identical and was on the same path. I would have stood up and continued filming but there's houses that it went behind and it would have looked like I was filming into somebody's house!

Date of sighting: Jan 9, 2020
Location of sighting: Dubai

The eyewitness states that the UFOs were visible at 4:15pm. Many UFOs sightings occur just before or during sunset and this looks like a setting sun to me. Dubai has strict rule in that country and I highly doubt that they would allow festive balloons or hot air balloons to pass above them. Those black spheres really stand out in the distance against the crimson sky. I think these are UFOs passing over Dubai and I think they wanted to be seen. I deduced that by the hight off the ground, the color, the lighting and they are hovering over a McDonalds...a very public and busy area. 
Scott C. Waring 

Eyewitness states: 
AWESOME UFO sighting in Dubai (real video, no joke). This video recorded it on January 9th approximately at 4:15 pm.

Date of sighting: December 30, 2019
Location of sighting: Masjid Nabawi, Saudi Arabia

This UFO was seen a few weeks ago over the holy temple of Masjid Nabawi. It looks like a man standing with his arms out in front of him, no head visible but thats because of the angle its turned...photo above show the back of the person. Is this Muhammad himself? Well, it does look like a person, but could be an alien ship. 

Why would aliens be interested in such a place? Its of incredible religious significants. Al-Masjid an-Nabawī is a mosque established and built by the Islamic prophet Muhammad, situated in the city of Medina in the Hejaz region of Saudi Arabia. It was one of the first mosques built by Muhammad, and is now one of the largest mosques in the world.

Aliens are interested in human nature, our beliefs, our traditions and especially those that carry on for thousands of years. Especially since thousands of years ago, aliens were often mistaken for angels and gods. Perhaps Muhammad himself is such an god like alien and is still alive on his home planet, but came to earth to install his wisdom on humanity. And this ship...might be his own coming back for some unknown reason. 

Scott C. Waring 

Date of discovery: January 11, 2020
Location of discovery: Mars
Source photo: http://www.gigapan.com/gigapans/219323

I was searching for evidence of life in a gigapan photo of Mars when I came across this object on the side of a hill. The object seems to have three long appendages...maybe legs and arms. There is something similar to a head that is also visible. This could however also be a living plant growing on the side of the hill. Its difficult to make a 100% conclusion of what it is due to the the photo losing some detail at this close distance. Either way, it is 100% proof of live on Mars. 
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan 

Date of sighting: Jan 5, 2020
Location of sighting: Earths orbit at space station

I was watching the live cam and noticed the huge glowing object that matched speed with the space station. It was visible on NASA live cam for 15 minutes. If it was the moon, it would only be visible for a minute and half at most. I've seen the moon a hundred times on the cam...this is not it. I made the video 2x speed to make it faster and not waste your time, but it was 15 min long. The UFO moves from bottom to top but instead of moving in a straight line, it suddenly curves and moves to the upper left. At this point the object begins to move away from the space station at incredible speed...I know this because the object becomes smaller, which means its moving off into the distance. Why wont NASA ever talk about these UFOs? Because they are real. 
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan

Sorry everyone that I have been posting less this last week or two. I caught the Asian flue and it really sticks to a guy. Still coughing and scratchy through, but feeling better on the good end of it. I will be picking up my speed on posting and making videos soon.
Scott C. Waring-Taiwan

Date of discovery: January 6, 2020
Location of discovery: Antartica
Tools Used: Google Earth free map

This alien ship has landed on top of a small snowy hill, pushing itself deeply into the ice and snow of Antartica. The object is clearly out of place in this location, however alien bases and crashed ships seem to be frequently found in Antartica. This landed UFO was found by Argentine researcher Marcelo Irazusta. The ship has very artistic and unique design. The close up reveals that it has a nose area with a command center cockpit view...three long fins that are linked at the end...and it looks like several large engines at its back. The objects color is also a brownish grey metal. The objects back wing end is 112 meters across. From nose to end of tail is the same distance. From right to left is about 95 meters. This is an extraordinary discovery and one that needs to have scientists sent out to explore this craft and enter its interior. The technology  salvaged from it could be used to transport humanity across the universe. 
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan

Date of discovery: 2019-2020
Location of sighting: Cornwall, England

Strange figures were found on some rocks in Cornwall, just a few hundred km from where Stonehenge is located. These figure had heads and eyes like those of aliens. One even had a halo like light around its head, but doesn't resemble any biblical person ever mentioned looking more like a reptile than a human. There are many strange stones located around that area of England and the explanations of why there are there and the purpose is still a mystery. 

This does however look like an ancient recording onto stone of aliens contacting humans thousands of years ago in England. Alien life spans are no limited like our own. The aliens that are recorded on those stones...they are still alive and out there. For them, sightings of them are frequent because of the long lives they live of thousands and millions or more year old. For us, the sightings seem periodic and huge amounts of time in between, because our lives as humans are all too short. You see...the difference in age of each of our species causes a huge difficulty in understanding why aliens don't work on our time frame. 
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan 

Date of sighting: January 6, 2020
Location of sighting: Earths orbit, ISS
Source photo: https://eol.jsc.nasa.gov/SearchPhotos/photo.pl?mission=ISS061&roll=E&frame=120436

I was looking through some NASA photos taken recently from the space station and I noticed this large rectangular metallic object. The object seems to be made by intelligent beings, because it has eight perfect right angles to it. Thats highly unlikely for it to be space debris. This could possibly be reflection, but I highly doubt that, most the NASA lenses are very expensive and cut out most reflections...as you probably know, certain filters can accomplish this. So it is my personal opinion that its an alien craft watching the space station...or possibly visiting. 
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan